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Rare Opportunities that We Can Find in the Event Industry


Nowadays, there are many people from a specific industry such as an event who wants to find rare opportunities while working to make some improvements in their career.

Of course, these rare opportunities below can’t be found unless they’re willing to keep learning from their jobs.

That’s why this article will describe a little about some rare opportunities that we can find in the event industry below.

Connected with Important People

Sometimes, we can meet and connect with certain people who influenced society. For example, president, CEO, celebrities until politicians often considered as important people in the event industry.

Handle Big Events

If we already reach a certain level in the industry, handle large-scale events like Olympics, World Cup, Coachella, WTF and many more will not become an impossible thing to do.

Become a Part of Unforgettable Event

After handling a large-scale event, automatically we also become part of it and keep that moment as a priceless experience.

Reaching the “Peak of Success” in Career

Last but not least, we can reach the “Peak of Success” in the event industry when completing every client’s expectation without fail.


The conclusion, if we’re working for the event industry, these rare opportunities will come anytime.



Become an Early Adopter in the Event Industry


In these days, many things considered as new and caught people’s attention. Including the one who is working in the event industry right now.

Because of that, changes are coming. So, he or she must become an early adopter in the industry by doing a few ways below.

Find, Try and Use the Latest Tools

Whether it’s online or not, the latest tools will help them to learn, practice and gain more perspective about the future of the event industry.

Be Open to Every Idea

Ideas that emerge from creativity is essential for those who are working as event planners.

Because ideas are important, they must keep an open mind and willing to take the risk if all of them decide to do it.

Understand People Needs

Sometimes, what they need to do first is talk to their clients and be attentive about things that they want from an event before taking the next step.

Take Initiative

People won’t do anything further if the leader or one of them is not making the big move.

That’s why. Whenever it needs, they should take initiative to become more adaptable and productive in the fast-paced industry.


With these 4 simple ways, people will be able to become early adopters in the event industry.


3 Faktor Utama yang dapat Mempengaruhi Proses Quality Control dalam EO


Setiap perusahaan Event Organizer termasuk GoRental mempunyai caranya masing-masing dalam menerapkan proses Quality Control untuk membantu mewujudkan berbagai acara yang dengan kualitas terbaik. Meskipun begitu, ternyata Quality Control tidak pernah luput dari 3 faktor utama yang berpengaruh dan disebutkan di bawah ini.

1. Budget

Terkadang, budget yang tidak sesuai atau tepat sasaran menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa sebuah event gagal memenuhi ekspektasi klien. Khususnya dari segi kualitas.

Oleh sebab itu, untuk menghindari hal yang disebutkan di atas, perusahaan Event Organizer yang bertugas membantu pelaksanaan acara wajib bekerja sama dengan klien untuk menetapkan budget yang sesuai melalui sistem payment plan.

2. Waktu

Proses Quality Control dalam dunia Event Organizer tidak pernah terlepas dari aspek waktu. Misalnya, ketika salah satu pihak ingin menyelenggarakan acara bersama dengan perusahaan EO terpilih dalam kurun waktu yang tergolong singkat, tantangannya akan menjadi semakin besar karena proses QC pun harus mereka laksanakan juga dalam jangka waktu yang tersedia.

Maka dari itu, supaya proses Quality Control dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan lebih baik lagi, pihak yang bersangkutan seperti klien disarankan untuk merencanakan acaranya dari jauh hari.

3. Tujuan

Keterangan jelas dari seluruh klien mengenai tujuan dari acara yang ingin mereka adakan sangat penting bagi kelangsungan proses Quality Control. Mengapa? Karena dengan adanya keterangan tersebut, perusahaan dapat memberikan saran dan membantu para klien lebih lanjut untuk meminimalisir berbagai risiko kegagalan yang bisa terjadi kapan saja.


Nah! Itulah informasi singkat mengenai 3 faktor utama yang dapat mempengaruhi proses Quality Control. Semoga informasi ini benar-benar membantu kalian semua yang ingin memahami proses QC lebih jauh lagi. Selamat beraktivitas!